underexposed & overdeveloped

I accidentally shot this 400 iso roll of neopan at 100 iso, after developing it at 800 iso to try to compensate, it came out a happy accident.


First stop, wake up Osamu. 

His new bike is rad.

Then we went to visit Harvey.

+Points if u know what japanese book this is.

Billie checking out the Thorens.

A look at the Kwak. 

New mirrors from Japan.

Then a stroll through the canals.

Afterwards, a sunset brew at the Otheroom.

Ran into Ray.

The end of a fine day.

new 2WK Julian Smith logo

Big thanks to Julian Smith, aka Don Froth, aka Hoolz for the awesome 2WK logo!
There have been semi-confirmed sightings of Julian in a beach cave in Morocco, so keep your Euro-African eyes and ears peeled for a Don Froth show near you.



the spare room

Thursday nights at the "Spare Room" in the Roosevelt Hotel.

DJ Nils Kock.

I shot these with very minimal light on Ilford Delta 3200 and developed myself at DAAAF Studios in Kodak T-Max developer.

Spare! Be sure to book a lane in advance.

They also have a full selection of games....such as Jenga! 

Adele Jacques sang for Bastile Day. 

Speaker tweak. 


Endless Bummer.

Good Night!