
While it's true this blog has been neglected, I do have some interesting posts coming. Hang in there.
In the meantime... here is some filler from a recent roll.

Summilux 50 ASPH testing. 

Another 7th st. disturbance. 

Rough night turns into a hot 1pm nap. 

Too $hort. 

Pussy & Pooch. 


A reflector makes a nice small dog bed. 

Corey Smith shaping snowboards.

healthy stable. 


redwood mountain grove


Billie Jean Holiday.

Good night.


another birthday of adrian mardyks


N.K.V & B.J.H


Stopped into Louboutin so Gigi could pick up some pigalles. 

Dog in a basket on the metro. 

Jason Nam.

If any bit of my lunch hits the ground it doesn't last long at the French Garden.

This guy sorts through our trash, picks out all the paper and cardboard, and then pours vinegar all over it....works for him.

Japanese TV show at our neighbors, the LA Gun Club.

Happy Birthday Adrian! 

Beer and a shot.

Hoolz! Way overexposed.
Order your own Froth'n GOBI t-shirts HERE.

 Good Night!